1. Name (in Capitals)
2. Gender : MaleFemale
3.Post applied for :
4.Date of Birth :
5. Mobile Numbers :
6. Email Address :
7. Address :

8. Father Name :
Mother Name :


9. Marital Status :
10. Qualification :

11. Minimum Acceptable Pay :

a)Best Subjects That You Can Teach :
b)Preferred Classes to Teach :

12. Experience in (Years) :
(Months) :

a) Name of the last Institution served :

b) Served as Designation:
c) Last Salary Drawn Rs/-:
d) Period (From- To):

e) Reason for Leaving the Job :

13) If applying for Teaching, Please mention the classes you would prefer to Teach :

Preferred subject to Teach :

14) If applying for teaching all subjects, then up to which class you can Teach:

15) Expected Salary per Month (Kindly mention the exact figure in Rs.) :

16) For How long do you expect to work at New India Panchkula? (Number of years) :

17) If given a job when can you join the school :

18) Have you ever applied for a job at NISSS Panchkula before, if yes, then write the date of previous application :

19. If married, state details of Spouse below :

a) Name :
b) Age :
c) Occupation :
d) Designation :

20) Why do you want to join New India Panchkula? Any special information you want to add about yourself :